Battlestar Hyperion Wiki
Battlestar Hyperion Wiki

The Twelve Tribes are the ancestors of the Colonials.  The Twelve Tribes left Kobol in search of a new home and settled the current worlds which have taken the name as the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.  Each tribe settled upon one of the new worlds.  Shortly thereafter, there was a great cataclysm that sent Colonial technology back from the space-faring age that brought them to their new homes.  These tribes thus developed even more divergent customs, traits, and even languages in the two thousand years since (having mastered space flight once again only in the last few hundred years).

The Twelve Tribes[]

Over time the original Twelve Tribes transitioned into their modern form as the Twelve Colonies.

  • Aries - Aerilon
  • Aquarius - Aquaria
  • Cancer - Canceron
  • Capricorn - Caprica
  • Gemini - Gemenon
  • Leo - Leonis
  • Libra - Libran
  • Pisces - Picon
  • Sagittarius - Sagittaron
  • Scorpio - Scorpia
  • Taurus - Tauron
  • Virgo - Virgon

The Thirteenth Tribe[]

Legend has it that there was a a thirteenth tribe that also left Kobol.  This tribe journeyed apart from the others and is rumored to have settled on a world called "Earth".  The belief that there ever was a thirteenth tribe and that there could be any actual knowledge of what happened to them are believed by only by a minority of person, far less than those that believe in Kobol itself.

Unbeknownst to anyone, the Thirteenth Tribe was actually a tribe of synthetics.  Kobol had created artificial life just like how the Colonials created the Cylons.  These synthetics further developed into pseudo-humans like the Cylon skinjobs and eventually left Kobol where they formed their own society on Earth.  This civilization, however, was destroyed by their own Cylon creations, the robotic Cylons rebelling against the humanoids in an apocalyptic war that destroyed both sides.
