Battlestar Hyperion Wiki

Although not covered in the Re-imagined Series, the Twelve Colonies are not completely homogeneous in their language.  There are at least seven languages spoken by humanity with Caprican as the most dominant.  Generally, everyone will speak Caprican at least at a conversational level.  Depending on the colony, some will definitely speak their native tongue, might speak only some of it, or know none of it depending on the circumstances.  Of course, study of foreign languages is also a possibility for non-native speakers.


Below is a list of the languages of the Colonies, their equivalent to our modern languages, and a note on their usage.  The list is a combination of canon information with gaps filled in by non-canon guesswork.


Caprican (English) - Strong Irish or English Yorkshire accent.


Caprican (English) - Nearly identical to the "proper dialect" spoken by Capricans.


Caprican (English) - Accent has a tendency to drift away from the "high class" dialect of Caprica and more toward an urban nature. Conjunctions, slang, and minor mispronunciations are common. It's the sort of thing that a normal person would hardly notice but would drive an English teacher insane. The similarities between the two are very close and of course many Capricans might speak in a way more characteristic of Canceron.


Caprican (English) - Predominately of an American quality but also occasionally a "Queen's English" quality as well.


Old Gemenese (Romanian) - Infrequently used outside of formal settings. Most Gemenese will only know a few words of their own language.


Leonese (French) - Used frequently, the dominant language of Leonis.


Libran (Italian) - Commonly used on Libran but still a secondary language to Caprican.


Piconian (Latin) - Heavy influence on Caprican but rarely used in and of itself.


Caprican (English) - Spoken with a distinguishable rural accent much like on Aerilon. This accent has more of an American rural tone than an Irish or English rural quality like the Aerilon dialect.


Caprican (English) and Libran (French) - Caprican is dominant but the people have a distinctly Libran quality to their dialect. One can analogize it as Librans being French and Scorpians being French Canadian. They speak Libran slightly differently and they both also have slightly different accents when speaking Caprican.


Tauron (Greek) - Commonly used on Tauron but still secondary to Caprican.


Virgon (German) - Heavy influence on Caprican as well. Not a dead language like Piconian but not very common either. Most Virgons will have a strong enough grasp of their native tongue to at least converse in simple conversations. Complete fluency is typically found only in intellectuals or the stubborn and xenophobic.
